
Monday, August 27, 2012

A is for apple

We always start out the year teaching the vowels...beginning with "A!"  This week we are staring off with "A" is for Apple.  Gluing small objects on art projects is an important way for the kiddos to use those fingers and improve their fine-motor skills.  And Janette and I are always amazed at how different the kiddos projects turn out, even when dealing with the same items.  They are each so individual!

You will need:
  • basic outline print of an apple (you can google images of apples, or try this one:
  • red, brown and green construction paper cut or torn into small peices   (you can let the kids tear their paper, if they have developed enough patience to tear and also make it through the gluing!)
  • glue
While they glue, we like to talk about the different colors that apples come in, not just red.  It's fun to hear the kids come up with different things you can make with your apples...applesauce, apple pie, and caramel apples.  We also like to talk about the seeds inside the apple...and what would happen if you planted the seed?  

For snack, cut up apples and dip them in warm caramel.  Yum!

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