
Monday, September 3, 2012

D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read)

I am totally involved in a love affair.  With children's books.  I love them.  And when my kiddos were growing up, I bought books for them anytime I got a fairs and Scholastic book orders were my best friend.  So it warms the cockles of my heart when our Pre K kiddos love to look at books, and it's no surprise that story time is my favorite part of the day.  

We start off every day with books.  As the kiddos arrive and wait for their friends to get here, they can choose to read or to do another activity that we have chosen out on the table (I'll talk about that later.)  And then a few times a month, we have DEAR.  Drop everything and read.

It's important to give kiddos access to books if they are going to learn how to love them!  In our class, we have a great bookshelf that was designed by Janette's husband, Superman.  

It's a great way to keep the books in good shape and make them easily accessible for the kiddos.  You can go to her blog to learn how to make one for yourself.  It would be a great addition to your playroom, or a child's room, or your own home classroom.  

Read on!

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